Honest, Commitment Empowerment

TAKULO NGO will help the marginalized Somali communities to reach the wellbeing of their life.

Taakulo ngo

About Us

TAAKULO Community Development Volunteers (TAAKULO NGO) is non political, non non governmental and non profit seeking organization. It is established in Bossaso on June 1998 by group of intellectuals who deeply felt the serious situation of their v communities and voluntarily come together to help their community day and night to any place without discriminating in color, religion, race and ethics.
TAAKULO NGO is committed to assist the most marginalized communities specially vulnerable group of the communities i.e. Women and children.

What we do

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TAAKULO believes thot people ore equal and should get equal opportunities of resources and decision making.


TAKULO NGO will help the marginalized Somali communities to reach the wellbeing of their life


TAAKULO NGO is a developmental organization committed to help its target communities in the areas of agriculture, livestock, income generation and public service through local capacity building to mobilize local resource and implementation of developmental programs.


TAAKULO NGO will help in its target Somali communities in the following sectors of operation:

Protection of Women, vulnerable IDPs and asylum seekers

Interaction Design

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Peace, Human rights and good governance

SEO Optimizing

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Income Generation

SEO Optimizing

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Agriculture. Livestock and environment

Web Development

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Public services. -education, health, water etc.

Content Writing

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TAAKULO with the support and fund from UNFPA is running 5 GBV centers (3 one stop center and 2 WGSS) in Garowe, El-Dahir and Bossaso. Bossaso women and girls safe space is one of the UNFPA funded GBV centers. The center provides GBV prevention and response for the GBV survivors such counselling, emergence nursing and referral of survivors to the one stop centers were they get medication and all types of response required. WGSS also do women empowerment through provision employment skills. The center also provides dignity kits to vulnerable women in the IDPs.

Dignity kits are a way to support women and girls at risk by promoting protection, physical and psychosocial wellbeing, mobility, and hygiene. They also serve as a vital entry point for understanding the risks and vulnerability facing by the women and girls in communities to seek extra support for them. Dignity Kits are a vital part of the UNFPA’s humanitarian response since they assist women and girls in maintaining proper hygiene after being uprooted.


After the onset of Las’anod fighting, large number of families run away from the attack and pumping coming to different towns of Puntland. Large number of these families come to Bossaso IDPs were Bossaso WGSS is located. TAAKULO WGSS located in Bossaso IDPs identifies large number of vulnerable women from Las’anod. With the support of UNFPA under the Japan Government funded project, TAAKULO distributed 300 dignity kits to the migrants from Las’anod selecting with their vulnerability of aged women, divorcees, di-abled women, women with children and their livelihood situation,

Maryan Jama is mother of 6 children displaced by Las’anod conflict and come to Bossaso IDPs with empty handed. Maryam became one of the beneficiaries of the dignity kits distributed to the most vulnerable women from the migrants of Las’anod. After the distribution, TAAKULO WGSS staff meet Maryan in her hut to see what benefit received and the view of Maryan for the content of the dignity kits.

“I highly thank to TAAKULO, UNFPA and Japan Government for giving me chance to wear new closes and get many valuable materials that I was not able to buy it since we are empty handed. The materials in the dignity kits was all useful and based on to the needs of a women” Said by Maryan.

Maryan also said “the dignity kits gave me chance and confidence to go town and seek families and friends. I am now proud that I have cloth to wear and can visit were I want”.


Maryam told the team that they have lot of humanitarian need and she requested from UNFPA, Japan Government and humanitarian organizations to assist them.

Migrants from Las’anod in the IDP camp suffer many humanitarian crises including, livelihood, shelter, sanitation, health and education.


TAAKULO NGO is implement FGM prevention program with GIZ COIN fund program through house to house awareness raising in El-Dahir Community of P:untland Using Trained FGM champions.

Johro Mohamed Hassan Jama is grandmother of 4 doughters all have their families with children in El-Dahir community. The FGM champions meet the doughters in their houses discussing with them health hazards of the FGM asking save their doughters with zero Tolerence of FGM. After many meetings with doughters the FGM champions found that it is the Garandmother telling the doughters not listen our awareness and to continue the circumizision. The FGM Champion target the grandmother but she resisted that it is religious requirement and our culture. The FGM champions did not stop meeting and talking to the grandmother. Meeting and discussion with the grandmother for more tha 15 times, Mss Johro finally realized problems she herself met due to FGM starting the day of the circimizision and the day of her last borne. Finally, the success became that Johro accepted zero tolerance of FGM calling all her daughters telling them the FGM from their daughter.

“Since me and my daughters met the difficulties of FGM due to lack of knowledge I promise that I make sure that the girls of her daughters will be save from all forms of FGM” said by Johro



TAAKULO with the support and fund from UNFPA is running 5 GBV centers (3 one stop center and 2 WGSS) in Garowe, El-Dahir and Bossaso. Bossaso women and girls safe space is one of the UNFPA funded GBV centers. The center provides GBV prevention and response for the GBV survivors such counselling, emergence nursing and referral of survivors to the one stop centers were they get medication and all types of response required. WGSS also do women empowerment through provision employment skills. The center also provides dignity kits to vulnerable women in the IDPs.

Empowerment of women is means to support women to improve their dignity through them power to employ themselves and gain income.  Skill trainings is way to support women and girls by building their knowledge of skills to encourage to work independently and change the livelihood conditions of their families. Also skill training can help to the GBV survivors to improve their psychosocial wellbeing.


TAAKULO women and girls safe space Bossaso is GBV center that provides activities such as counselling of GBV survivors, awareness of GBV, referral of GBV survivors to TAAKULO one stop center in Bossaso general hospital to get the medical and other services, skill training of women and girls and safe space for GBV victims fearing from retaliation and literacy and numeracy for women and girls are provided.


Shukri abdinuur was one of the beneficiaries of skill training student( henna and make-up  in TAAKULO women and girls safe space center in bosaso  which are given to GBV survivors , divorced women with children, widowers with children, disabled persons, and young girls who are victims of gender-based violence.

Shugri is eighteen years old girl, she is the firstborn of the family and her father died.  To support her needy family, Shugri come to Bossaso WGSS and got a chance to be one of the student of henna and make-up for the first quarters of this year. she started working at home with in IDP settlements in bosaso and got many clients, Now she is planning to move in market and start new place to work on.

Shukri in her own beauty salon in bosaso IDPs settlements. Photo. TAAKULO

TAAKULO team met Shukri abdinuur in her business place and asked how she have benefited the skills she have gained from Bossaso WGSS and the changes of her livelihood conditions.

’I am very much pleased to be a student of Taakulo women and girls safe space center and receive a skill training of henna and make –up to support my family and to improve our living condition. also I got other services including  literacy , numeracy , counselling and GBV awareness. I have started practicing and making the services in my home. I get lot of customers and able to support my family. I am now planning to establish big shop in the main market’’ Said by Shukri 

Shukri also said ‘’I wish my future career to be a Henna make-up artist and start other skills in Taakulo such as tailoring skill to reach my goal and help my poor family which are in need of livelihood improvement”.  

‘’ I thank to UNFPA, Government of Japan and TAAKULO staff for their support to the displaced people living in bosaso IDPs settlements and requesting to support kick start for the graduates of skill training to ensure the trainees start their own business ‘’Said by Shugri

Shukri abdinuur talking about her livelihood condition since she was selected as a beneficiary for skill training assistant UNFPA project in Bosaso IDPs. Photo. TAAKULO.


Skill trainings give women and girls to get employment or establish their own business. The constraints faced by the trainees is the lack of kick start support to establish their own business since they are empty handed and can’t afford buy the materials and equipment required to establish their own business.

Our Services



Bosaso, El-dahir & Hafun

FGM Awareness raising of the communities through house to house meeting broadcasting of TV messages.

Eyl, El-dahir, Hafun, Beyla and Dhahar

Bosaso women and girls friendly safe space



Garoowe hospital

Capacity build of the communities, CBOs in the areas of GBV and organizational management

El-dahir, Dhahar and Bosaso

Education of marginalized children El-dahir community

El-dahir village

Our Partiners

TAKULO NGO will help the marginalized Somali communities to reach the wellbeing of their life.



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